Using Available Tools to Improve Your Trading Site’s Online Presence

Go to Google and type in “how to change tyre,” hit enter. Do you see the list on top of the results page? Amazing, right?

Do you want the same for your forex trading brand? Of course, you do; that’s a silly question for us to ask. Let’s change the question—does your site have it takes to be featured on top of the page?First thing’s first. The lists you see when you ask Google for specific questions are called featured snippets. Basically, these snippets are pieces of content that contain information that show up on top of Google’s SERPs.

Now that we have a good background about what featured snippets are, the next step is to dissect the steps on how your content could be featured.

It’s not uncommon for forex trading owners to think that appearing on featured snippets requires deep pockets. They might think that only multi-national companies can pull it off. Well, in reality, those companies have the edge because they have millions of dollars to spend on SEO but this does not mean smaller brands can’t do it.

If you really want your content to appear as a featured snippet, there are ways to do it. Let’s count the ways:

Publish content that specifically answers a question.
Naturally, if you don’t produce content that answers specific questions, you have zero chances of getting featured. So the first step is to create articles that have in-depth information about certain topics. Make sure that the pieces of content you publish are related to your brand. For example: if you have a small loans company, you could produce helpful articles that provide answers to questions like “How to apply for payday loan?”

Get to know what your audiences are asking.
You might ask yourself: “Yes, I’ll do quality content but questions should I answer?” Before you start publishing informative articles the rule of thumb is to do your research first. Know what your readers are asking Google so you will have a better leverage in hitting the right notes.

According to research, around 20% of Google searches using a question yield a featured snippet. The common questions start with “How does,” “How do,” “How to,” and “What is”. Using this information, you can start writing articles that answer those questions—but make sure to relate them to your brand.

Earn the trust of Google by producing high-quality content.
Let’s be clear; just because you publish content that answers the most asked questions by your readers it doesn’t mean your site will appear as a featured snippet. You must first earn the trust of Google. How? Simple: high-quality content.

In a nutshell, the characteristics of great content include (but not limited to) it’s unique, engaging or share-worthy, provides value to the target readers, and it’s comprehensive. If your content has these qualities, then you’re hitting everything right; congratulations!

Satisfy readers’ questions.
Your content is as a good as nothing if it can’t answer the question of the readers. An article that promises to answer the questions like “How to boil water?” but only talks about how impressive the hot water dispenser the site is selling doesn’t have any good chances at being a featured snippet.

Publish a Q&A page on your website.
Having a Q&A or FAQ page in your site will help you boost your chances of appearing in SERPs as a featured snippet. The style and format of Q&A are truly native to the nature of feature snippets. Your Q&A page will give you a lot of topics, questions, and answers to cover. If your business retails cameras, your Q&A page can answer all things related to cameras, from aperture size to picking the right lens. Simply put, that page could be your gateway to the featured snippet kingdom.

When setting up a Q&A page, make sure that you apply all the tips we mentioned above: knowing what your readers are asking, publishing quality and informative content, and answering all the questions.

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